Recycling Electronic Waste Rules

Sensitive information lives on many of the machines that are recycled as electronic waste. With the recent increased growth in the electronic recycling industry, it’s important that anyone who is considering recycling e-waste knows the rules for safe recycling.

Be Selective About Your Recycler

There are many companies who will recycle your electronic waste. However, this does not mean they will recycle your e-waste in a manner that will keep your data safe. Electronics should only be recycled with a company that is certified by R2Solutions. This is why ProTek carefully selects our downstream vendors to ensure that sensitive materials are given only to R2 certified companies.

Create and Follow a Formal Plan for Disposition

Being vigilant starts at the very beginning. When building or modifying the data security plan for any company, specific protocols should be included for disposition. Language that mandates the use of certified recyclers for all electronic waste is necessary in this disposition.

For more information on how ProTek Recycling can and will keep your data safe throughout the recycling process, visit our website.

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Call 844‑777‑6835 to speak to a commercial recycling expert
or call 518‑720‑6555 to speak to a residential recycling expert.