NAID Certification: What it is and how it benefits your business
At ProTek Recycling, our NAID AAA Certification is a symbol of the extra measures and training we’ve continuously taken to provide you with the best data security service possible. NAID AAA Certification is a voluntary certification program for companies who wish to ensure the highest order of protection for all of their valued customers.
Because we value our customers’ data security, we’ve taken the initiative to certify our company and uphold ourselves to the highest standards. Let’s take a deep dive into why we’ve become NAID AAA Certified and what you can expect from ProTek Recycling’s high data security standards.
What Is NAID AAA Certification?
NAID AAA Certification helps you verify that a potential shredding and destruction vendor meets the National Association of Information Destruction’s (NAID) strict information disposal standards. In order for ProTek to achieve AAA certification, we had to pass annual, unannounced audits conducted by independent Certified Protection Professionals (CPP).
ProTek Recycling has to continue to pass each audit to maintain the AAA certification. Each audit is rigorous to ensure our client’s data is being destroyed to the highest standards in the data destruction industry. During each audit, we’re assessed on:
· Operational and facility security
· Information destruction processes
· Employee hiring practices
· Insurance liability coverage
To continue to provide your business with the highest-quality data destruction service, ProTek continues to uphold the strictest standards through our voluntary AAA certification under NAID.
How Does NAID AAA Certification Benefit My Business?
Choosing ProTek means you’ll be working with a AAA certified company with the strictest data destruction standards in the Albany, NYC, and Boston areas. When you work with us, you’re working with a company that takes your business’s privacy and personal information seriously.
Right now, NAID AAA Certification is the only real security assurance in the data destruction industry. That means that our shredding process contains some of the following reassurances that others can’t provide:
- Shredding at the particle size to ensure shredded documents can’t be reconstructed
- Shredding captured by CCTV image technology and then archived
- Screened, uniformed, and badged professions that collect, handle, transport and destroy your information underneath a strict chain of custody procedures at all times
What Can I Expect Working with A NAID Certified Company?
If you’re a HIPAA, FACTA, SOX, or GLB business, working with a NAID AAA Certified service helps your business fulfill its important regulatory compliance requirements. This means you can rest assured knowing your following important state laws that require written and verifiable information destruction procedures. You can also guarantee that you’ll receive a Certificate of Destruction after all of your data is destroyed.
Whether you’re a lawyer, healthcare provider, or retailer, working with ProTek, a NAID AAA Certified vendor, ensures that your data will be destroyed according to state and federal regulations. You’ll not only experience the highest quality of data destruction, but you’ll also know your information is being shredded by trained professionals that have gone, and continue to undergo, rigorous audits. Below, you can view the requirements that we continue to meet to achieve and sustain AAA certification:
- Ensure all customer materials remain secured and, in the control, and custody of the NAID member agent until destroyed by shredding equipment
- Require all fleet vehicles meet the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations and have lockable cabs and cargo area
- Require all paper shredded meets original equipment manufacturer (OEM) specifications of continuous shred, indefinite length, and 5/8” cutter width or less
- Conduct comprehensive third-party background checks on owners and officers of companies
These are only four of the thirteen-plus requirements that we’ve voluntarily undergone, just for your peace of mind and business’s safety. That’s the ProTek difference and why we offer the most premium and strict data destruction service in Albany, NYC, and Boston.
Work with a Certified Company: Contact Us About Data Security
You and your business only deserve the strictest data destruction standards and accreditations. That’s why ProTek voluntarily continues to meet NAID AAA Certification’s rigorous compliances and procedures.
We work with diverse businesses within some of the following areas:
- Building management
- Not-for-profits
- Electronics and technology companies
- Government organizations
- Financial institutions
- Healthcare
Whatever your business is, gain peace of mind knowing you’re meeting state and federal requirements while experiencing the best information shredding and destruction in the Albany, NYC, and Boston areas. Request a free quote today or contact us to schedule a free electronic pickup. Find your custom and cost-effective recycling solution today!