One-Time or Recurring Pickups: Computer and Electronics Recycling
ProTek believes that recycling your electronics from your business should be convenient and simple. That’s why we offer one-time or recurring pickups for our commercial clients!
We understand that your office or workplace may not have the extra storage space to spare for old electronics to pile up. Our team will come right to your business and collect the items for recycling. With our pickup options, we make it easy to keep your workspace cleared while helping your company to do its part for the environment!
- One-Time Pickup: If you have a haul of old electronics that have been piling up for years, but don’t think you’ll have that many for a while? Schedule a one-time pickup to have it taken care of.
- Recurring Pickup: Is your company on the larger side and constantly upgrading its electronic equipment, leaving you with old electronics to get rid of on a more regular basis? No problem. We can plan recurring pickups for your business.
Contact ProTek Recycling today to get started on your one-time or recurring pickup plan!