ProTek Recycling Is Now A Licensed NYS Document Destruction Contractor
ProTek Recycling is a licensed NYS Document Destruction Contractor! Information is one of an organization’s greatest assets but can also quickly become an incredible liability – ethically, legally, and financially. For this reason, keeping your information and important documents, especially those containing Personal Identifying Information, secure, is vitally important. However, storing that information can take up a lot of valuable space and even be hazardous if not kept correctly. These items should not be simply thrown in the dumpster when the time comes to get rid of this information, but they should be recycled properly and have the data destroyed!
That’s where ProTek Recycling comes in. As a Licensed Document Destruction Contractor, ProTek Recycling offers data destruction services to destroy digital data stored on computers, individual hard drives, cell phones, magnetic tapes (tape drives) and other digital storage devices. With ProTek Recycling’s data destruction services, your company’s digital data files and any other sensitive materials containing personal identifying information are destroyed completely and in compliance with NY Document Destruction Contractor law.
Why is ProTek Recycling a NYS Document Destruction Contractor?
Generally, a New York State Document Destruction Contractor is a corporation that operates a business in which they destroy records containing personal identifying information for a fee. Many NY Document Destruction Contractors may focus in paper destruction, but as ProTek Recycling is evolving as an electronic waste and recycling company, we are partnering with companies to destroy their digital data at the point of recycling and decommissioning. As such, the step to become a licensed Document Destruction Contractor was a natural progression in our evolution in data destruction services. At ProTek Recycling, we destroy sensitive information by shredding hard drives, tapes, cell phones, and other similar devices.
What does this mean for you? This means that ProTek Recycling must follow the strict regulations set by New York State to ensure that your digital data is destroyed completely and in compliance with the Document Destruction Contractor regulations.
As a Document Destruction Contractor, New York State:
- Investigates the principals and officers of ProTek Recycling for any criminal history.
- Requires ProTek Recycling to supervisory responsibility of its employees and their business activities.
- Requires ProTek Recycling to keep statement of services and charges for three years.
- Requires certain information to be included as a part of the statements of services for destruction services.
What does this mean for our clients?
For those clients that have worked with us before, you will see a change in process for data destruction services, including new service agreements, service language, and new language and formatting of the certificate of destruction at the end of the process.
We understand this may add new questions or unfamiliar steps to working with ProTek recycling, but we are happy to answer any questions you have. Ultimately, we hope you understand that these steps are being updated because ProTek Recycling takes the destruction of your data seriously, and we make sure your company has the documentation it needs to be confident in the proper handling and destruction of any sensitive and confidential data you have.
Contact ProTek Recycling to destroy your data!
ProTek Recycling understands our clients may have personal or confidential information as a part of their electronic recycling pick-ups. Destroying your data and your company’s data security is our number one priority. Learn more about all local electronic recycling and data destruction options with ProTek Recycling. Request your free quote today!